The Song

So … I just got blindsided by a movie. Yeah. I went to the theatre expecting to see the love story of Solomon and the Shulamite translated into modern times. I came out of the theatre having seen a good movie, but definitely not Solomon and the Shulamite. Or Christ and his bride. Let me… Continue reading The Song

Fix Yourself in Jesus

The word “fix” has two meanings: “to repair” and “to fasten securely.” Sally Hanan skillfully intertwines both aspects of “fixing” in Fix Yourself in Jesus, a manual for healing and hope. Jesus spoke of the need for a person to be “fixed” in him in John 15:1–11, where he says that he is the vine… Continue reading Fix Yourself in Jesus

Eclectic Spirituality — Read With Caution!

A Religion of One’s Own is a confusing book. While its stated purpose is to guide readers in “creating a personal spirituality in a secular world,” I found it to be more of a manual for self-analysis and self-therapy. It is composed of the typically eclectic “cherry-pick your beliefs”  advice that seems to dominate modern… Continue reading Eclectic Spirituality — Read With Caution!

IBLP / ATI — Run Away!

The teachings of The Institute in Basic Life Principles destroyed my relationship with God, contributed to the destruction of my marriage, and damaged my ability to relate to others. The home education program, which is called the Advanced Training Institute, is riddled with errors and is, in my opinion, inadequate to prepare a young person… Continue reading IBLP / ATI — Run Away!

The Case for Apologetics in Women’s Ministry

What do you believe about God and why do you believe it? If you are a woman who can answer this question confidently, you are in a minority. And churches need to do a better job of addressing the lack of theological foundations that affects women’s ability to articulate, defend, and share. At least, that… Continue reading The Case for Apologetics in Women’s Ministry

I’m Outnumbered!

Laura Lee Groves celebrates all the reasons that boys — for all their wild, crazy, messy, rambunctious ways — are a wonderful blessing to parent. She does not gloss over the challenges, and her book is, in fact, full of excellent ideas for handling the challenges as they arise (and even for forestalling a few… Continue reading I’m Outnumbered!