Okay, so, since I am sick and kidless this weekend, I decided to rent some movies to keep me company. Thought I’d catch up on some of the newer movies I haven’t seen … people look at my funny when I don’t know the references they make to pop culture stuff. So one of the movies I rented was Napoleon Dynamite. I’m glad I only rented it. If I’d paid $10 to see this in the theatre, I’d have gone postal and shot someone.
I cannot believe that this tripe was a hit movie! This is the most boring, most stupid pile of rat droppings I have ever had the misfortune to sit through! There’s absolutely no plot, the characters are more boring than watching grass grow, and the humour is flatter than week-old soda.
Why did anyone waste their time and money making this thing? Can anyone explain the appeal of this utter nonsense?