I have to tell you about this site, because I LOOOOOOOOOOVE it. If you are a bibliophile, you need to use this site. If you have scads of books in your house and not even a clue of what they all are, you need this site. If you have duplicates of books because you forgot that you already have that and bought it again, you NEED this site.
Here’s my home page, and here’s my profile page. Basically, you enter your books. I really like the automatic feature where, if you enter the ISBN number, it finds the book for you on Amazon and imports all the pertinent information for you. But you can also search/add by title, author, LofC number, etc, or you can hand-enter the book. (Which I’ve got a lot to do, as I collect mostly books printed in the late 1800s and early 1900s. No ISBNs.)
It also has a blog widget so you can have a link with random books from your collection shown on your blog. See the lower right-hand column for my example.
You can write reviews of your own books, and you can sign up for their early-reviewer group. This group allows you to request review copies of not-yet-released books, so that you can write a review for the site. I’ve only just signed up for this part, so I can’t tell you how well it works … yet.
They have all kinds of forums … haven’t had time to explore those yet. They have other stuff too. I joined a long time ago and got busy and forgot it, and just remembered it the other day and started exploring/adding books again. I won’t be lapsing anytime soon again, though. In fact, I just bought a lifetime membership. If nothing else, it’s a great way to keep track of what books I have.
If you decide to try it out, let me know, and I will add you to my friends list. If you want an invite, let me know and I will send you one. I don’t get anything (that I know of) if you join on my recommendation, I’d just like to have at least ONE friend on the site, ya know?