Fix Yourself in Jesus

The word “fix” has two meanings: “to repair” and “to fasten securely.” Sally Hanan skillfully intertwines both aspects of “fixing” in Fix Yourself in Jesus, a manual for healing and hope. Jesus spoke of the need for a person to be “fixed” in him in John 15:1–11, where he says that he is the vine… Continue reading Fix Yourself in Jesus

Writing in Obedience: a must-read for Christian fiction writers

This three-part manual on writing and publishing  is a must-read for the aspiring writer of Christian fiction. Throughout the book, the special task of writing as a Christian is carefully examined, but never with a heavy hand. There is no preachiness here. Part One addresses the initial urge to write, explaining how, and why, a… Continue reading Writing in Obedience: a must-read for Christian fiction writers

Colorado Promise: a lovely romance

Charlene Whitman’s first novel, Colorado Promise, reveals that she is a promising novelist with a firm grasp of the historical western romance. Her research is impeccable and her understanding of the morals and social conventions of the late 19th century American West is obvious throughout. Whitman’s weaving of several very disparate stories into one fascinating… Continue reading Colorado Promise: a lovely romance

Eclectic Spirituality — Read With Caution!

A Religion of One’s Own is a confusing book. While its stated purpose is to guide readers in “creating a personal spirituality in a secular world,” I found it to be more of a manual for self-analysis and self-therapy. It is composed of the typically eclectic “cherry-pick your beliefs”  advice that seems to dominate modern… Continue reading Eclectic Spirituality — Read With Caution!

The Martian

Andy Weir’s debut novel is the most riveting, most compelling, most intense science-fiction thriller I have ever read. From his very first words, botanist Mark Watney sucks you into his harrowing, horrifying predicament: he is stranded on Mars. The sandstorm that led to his fellow Ares mission members fleeing the planet also destroyed the satellite… Continue reading The Martian

IBLP / ATI — Run Away!

The teachings of The Institute in Basic Life Principles destroyed my relationship with God, contributed to the destruction of my marriage, and damaged my ability to relate to others. The home education program, which is called the Advanced Training Institute, is riddled with errors and is, in my opinion, inadequate to prepare a young person… Continue reading IBLP / ATI — Run Away!

Las Tortugas Deli Mexicana, take two

I’ve written before about this little gem of a restaurant hidden away on Germantown Road. But after numerous visits and trying nearly everything on the menu and most of the specials, I thought an update was in order. Las Tortugas Deli Mexicana, affectionately known to me and my friends as “Deli Mex,” never fails to… Continue reading Las Tortugas Deli Mexicana, take two

A Riveting Nautical Adventure

Rough Passage to London is a riveting tale of intrigue, danger, and adventure told in the tradition of Patrick O’Brien and C.S. Forester. In this fascinating novel, Robin Lloyd brings his ancestor Ely Morgan and the seafaring world of the 19th century vividly to life. Lloyd’s meticulous research and masterful storytelling ability transport the reader… Continue reading A Riveting Nautical Adventure

The IBD Healing Plan and Recipe Book

The IBD Healing Plan and Recipe Book is an indispensable reference for anyone suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or any number of other digestive disorders that require adjustments to diet in order to avoid severe digestive distress.  Author Christie Korth provides a detailed analysis of the various aspects of managing digestive… Continue reading The IBD Healing Plan and Recipe Book

Pocket Antioxidants, by Amitava Dasgupta

Antioxidants are health and healing powerhouses. Most of us have heard of antioxidants and know that we need to include sufficient amounts of them in our diets. But which ones? How much do you need? Can you “overdose”? Pocket Antioxidants answers all of your questions about antioxidants and offers helpful information on which antioxidants —… Continue reading Pocket Antioxidants, by Amitava Dasgupta